When I found Christian Science, I had absolutely no idea that man’s potential was limitless, that no challenge too hard for God, and that we could experience heaven, here on earth! Even now!
I grew up on Long Island, New York, where educational and cultural opportunities abounded, including sports, travel, musical performance, and the advantages of The Big Apple. But, my whole life was overshadowed with distressing health issues. Asthma; numerable allergies, from food to animals; and flowers, to mold, dust, and ragweed. I struggled with a pigmentation disorder, and horrific hay fever.
For years I searched for God – what He “was” and “did”. I read everything possible that might further my quest. Finally after college, work in France and New York City, and a failed marriage, I found Christian Science. Feeling quite desperate one Sunday, I was led to a Christian Science church. In listening intently to the Bible Lesson Sermon, I heard something like: “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” I caught it! Our thought determines our life’s experience. And, of course, our definition for GOD.
With study, prayer, and metaphysical support, the challenges began to lift… right through grad school, and as a speech pathologist in public schools. In 1977 came class instruction; followed by ESL teaching; work for The Mother Church; and as chaplain in a mental health center. The day my son turned four, I submitted my application for Christian Science practitioner listing, my paramount hope from day one, when I found the unfathomably rich pearl.
Having been given this gift unspeakable, the desire to share it commenced the day of my Journal listing. 2015 brought Normal class, and, the aspiration to teach, to fruition!