Published Articles – Susan S. Collins, C.S.B. Christian Science practitioner and teacher in New York City Fri, 21 Jul 2023 20:54:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 46594804 Your Daily Lift — “An eternal Father’s Day” by Susan Collins, CSB Wed, 24 Jun 2020 03:02:17 +0000 Daily Lift

An eternal Father’s Day
Susan Collins, CSB, from New York, New York, USA.


“The blessing of blessing others” — published in Christian Science Monitor Tue, 07 Jan 2020 23:42:31 +0000 This article appeared in the November 1, 2019 edition of the Monitor Daily.

The beauty and blessing of loving others and putting others’ needs before our own is illustrated throughout the Bible. Living a life of unselfed love and blessing others becomes natural when we realize what we are as the spiritual expressions of an all-loving God.

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One time while I was teaching small children in an elementary school how to develop their speech and language skills, I blurted out that I’d forgotten my lunch – and was quite hungry! Suddenly a dear little towheaded boy raised his hand and asked for permission to leave the room. He was new in the area and living with his family in a local hotel while his dad looked for work.

He quickly left. On his return, he approached me and most thoughtfully and generously presented me with a hard-boiled egg. His lunch! I was so moved, so touched. I’ve never forgotten it. The spirit of love-impelled self-sacrifice he expressed reminds me of a story in the book of Luke in the Bible:

“As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. ‘Truly I tell you,’ he said, ‘this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on’” (21:1-4, New International Version).

This lesson of the blessedness that comes when we generously give to others, and put others’ needs before our own, is woven throughout the Bible. The many accounts of unselfed love by those who walked closely with God were the outcome of an understanding of God as the supreme divine good that forever blesses man. In fact, in one of the last books of the Bible, it states that “God is love” (I John 4:8). If God is ever-present, infinite divine Love, it’s natural for each of us, as God’s spiritual children, to reflect this Love in our lives.

Our highest example for living a life of unselfed love is Christ Jesus. At one point in his ministry, Jesus gave what has been called the parable of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10:30-36). In this story, a Samaritan, while traveling, comes across a savagely beaten, severely wounded fellow traveler lying by the wayside.

He immediately determines that the injured man’s needs are more important than focusing solely on his own plans. He proceeds to find him a haven for his recuperation, tend to his needs, and give the innkeeper some money for his care, assuring him he will pay any extra costs incurred during his absence. The Samaritan’s wonderfully generous spirit impelled him to do whatever was needed in caring for the man, and at whatever cost to himself.

In the Christian Science textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” Mary Baker Eddy wrote: “[B]lessed is that man who seeth his brother’s need and supplieth it, seeking his own in another’s good” (p. 518), and “Giving does not impoverish us in the service of our Maker, neither does withholding enrich us” (p. 79).

Giving can’t impoverish us, because giving has its source in God, good, the inexhaustible Principle, divine Life and Love, that sustains and maintains us. Withholding would rob us of our purpose and reason for being, which is to express Life and Love in service to our Maker and our neighbor.

When we practice expressing this universal, impartial Love, we grow accustomed to obeying that spiritual, not material, impetus, which enables us to bless and heal our fellow man. In doing so, we discover that this willingness to give provides significantly more meaning to our own lives. And this heartfelt magnanimity often unearths capacities within ourselves that we had no idea God had given us. Truly, there is nothing more blessed than to bless others.

Your Daily Lift for February 14, 2019 — “Does God really know who I am?” by Susan Collins, CSB Thu, 14 Feb 2019 18:29:00 +0000 Daily Lift
July 25, 2018
Does God really know who I am?

    Susan Collins, CSB, from New York, New York, USA.


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    ]]> 353 Your Daily Lift for July 25, 2018 — “Your sleep can be sweet” by Susan Collins, CSB Wed, 25 Jul 2018 23:35:41 +0000 Daily Lift
    July 25, 2018
    Your sleep can be sweet
    Susan Collins, CSB, from New York, New York, USA.


    Also published on

    Insomnia healed

    Today’s contributor found lasting freedom from chronic sleeplessness when she took a spiritual approach of seeking “the peace of God, which passes all understanding.”

    By Susan S. Collins

    Many people face chronic sleeplessness, accompanied by a desire for daily, peace-filled rest. The sleep industry is enormous: sleep masks, white noise and other machines, activity trackers, biofeedback sleep hats, prescription and over-the-counter remedies – not to mention various food combinations, videos, and reading suggestions all claiming to help us rest.

    But I’ve found the most effective approach to be a radically different one – a spiritual one. For years I struggled with insomnia. At one point I calculated that I needed to go to bed 1-1/2 to 2 hours prior to when I actually wanted to fall asleep. At times I took medication, too. But none of this resolved the problem.

    Then, just before commencing graduate school, I found Christian Science – the Science of the divine Mind. Through what I was learning, I saw quite quickly how our thinking impacts our experience, for better or worse. I began to see how turning our thought to God, the intelligent, always present divine consciousness, or Mind, enables us to hear the ideas He sends each of us, which bring inspiration and healing.

    I wasn’t too far along in this line of reasoning when I decided to call a Christian Science practitioner one evening to help me with the insomnia. Practitioners devote themselves to praying for healing when people request it, understanding and trusting always that divine Mind meets every genuine need. I don’t remember everything the practitioner said that evening, but I definitely felt assured that I was deeply cherished and cared for by our Maker, God, divine Love, and that there was a solution.

    One idea the practitioner shared was this verse from the Bible: “When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet” (Proverbs 3:24). What a blessed assurance! I didn’t have to be afraid when I lay down to rest peacefully. I didn’t need to get caught up in the anxiety-filled, angst-packed thoughts that had been keeping me awake. Because God, Mind, is Love, He communicates only good thoughts – intelligent, sweet ones. Another Bible passage assures us, “And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7, Jubilee Bible 2000). When we are receptive to God’s thoughts, we come to see that our being is filled with good.

    And because we are made in God’s image (see Genesis 1:26, 27), His beloved spiritual sons and daughters, we are innately able to discern which thoughts are from our divine Father-Mother and which are not. Thoughts that produce fear, hurt, disappointment, or anger are not from God. No need to commune with them! God’s thoughts, on the other hand, bring peace, calm, insight, and love. These are wonderfully acceptable and healing.

    That night, after I spoke with the practitioner and took these ideas to heart, I was filled with awesome hope and gratitude, and I was permanently healed of insomnia. To me, this was proof that a sincere desire to know God does bring practical, healing answers to the challenges we face in day-to-day living. Our Maker cherishes each of His children and has made us all able to hear Him, understand Him, and obey Him.

    You too can have a peaceful and normal repose as you listen for our heavenly Father-Mother’s tender, wise ministrations.

    Healing broken hearts – Article and Daily Lift audio Sat, 21 Oct 2017 00:55:08 +0000 Daily Lift
    August 2017
    Overcoming Heartbreak
    Susan Collins, CSB, from New York, New York, USA.


    A Christian Science perspective: Realizing that we can never be separated from divine Love brings genuine peace and a renewed sense of joy.

    The end of a friendship or a promising romance can feel pretty devastating. I’ve found help in two ideas in Mary Baker Eddy’s book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: “Human affection is not poured forth vainly, even though it meet no return” (p. 57). And, referring to God as divine Love, “Love supports the struggling heart until it ceases to sigh over the world….”

    Can divine Love really heal a broken heart? The Gospel of Mark in the Bible reassures us: “With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible” (10:27).

    Once I fell in love with a warm and witty man. He was well read, and we could talk about anything. But despite our common interests, it became obvious we had major differences, and our relationship ended. The dreams, the plans … dashed!

    For a time I really struggled, but I prayed to gain peace, healing. Gradually I began to understand that because God created everyone, He naturally governs and relates all of us to each other and to all that is good. These relations can only bless. I began to feel that I could truly lean on God for guidance and direction, and know that our true keeper had a purpose of good for myself – and my friend.

    I learned that although sharing and companionship are a great blessing, the kingdom of heaven – full and lasting happiness – is within each of us, as Christ Jesus taught (see Luke 17:21). We truly live within the consciousness of divine Love, and the tatters of sadness and grief don’t abide there, for us or anyone.

    As I became more aware of this spiritual reality, I found I was increasingly joyful, rather than disappointed or lonely. I became more conscientious about watching the kinds of thoughts I was letting in, entertaining, and sending out.

    It wasn’t always easy, but this was a time of spiritual growth that turned out to be a great blessing for both me and my friend. The fact is, these types of experiences can enrich our character, draw our thought closer to our Maker, and inspire our efforts to help others. We can go forward and find genuine peace and renewed joy.

    ​A version of this article aired on the Aug. 31, 2017, Christian Science Daily Lift podcast.

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    How I Found Christian Science: From East 77th Street to eternity Mon, 09 Jul 2012 18:47:24 +0000 I grew up in a Protestant church. I loved the ritual, the music, and the Sunday School, and attended fairly regularly. It seemed, though, that there was always something significant missing from my religious experience—I just couldn’t figure out what it was.

    My home life was difficult, and I was plagued with many illnesses, including asthma, hay fever, and allergies to cheese, fish, chocolate, cats and dogs, flowers, and more. However, I still had a full academic, musical, and social life, with other amenities, too.

    When I proceeded on to college after high school, I attended the same Protestant church, but it was different. The “Father” as he was called (instead of a minister) pounded his chest and used incense. I just couldn’t relate to the service.

    I stopped attending church altogether for a while, and later went to see a priest. Somehow the mysticism I felt was there seemed safe and reassuring. I figured that there had to be some discoveries within this mystery, but nothing came to me. There were so many questions I wanted answered: Why was I here? What was I supposed to do with my life? What was existence all about, anyway?

    Eventually I joined Campus Crusade for Christ, and met with a kind, caring Crusade worker. When I saw that she’d actually written in her Bible, I was totally shocked. I quickly discerned that the Bible just might be a friend, and could possibly even hold the answers to life’s questions.

    After graduating and getting married, I moved to France. There I attended the gorgeous Gothic-sculpted American Cathedral in Paris. I liked the atmosphere there, but my quest for answers continued. I even tried to give up my belief in God altogether, but never could do so for long. I read philosophy by Sigmund Freud and Jean Paul Sartre, as well as some of Norman Vincent Peale’s writings. I also began seeing a psychoanalyst.

    At this point in my life I was feeling pretty miserable. I didn’t feel I’d gotten any good answers to my “big questions,” and I was dealing with a variety of anxieties and compulsions, as well as obsessive worry and fear. I was also battling bulimia, panic attacks, and suicidal inclinations. Psychoanalysis was intriguing and assuaging in some ways, but it didn’t feel like it was the end of my search for solutions.

    I kept coming back to the Bible. Every so often I would check into a hotel for a night, where I would find a Gideon Bible in the bedside table and read until I found something comforting and promising. This helped to keep me going.

    After a while my marriage ended, and I returned to New York City. One Sunday morning when I awoke, I felt a great need for spiritual sustenance. I dressed and left my apartment, but I couldn’t find the little white church I passed on the way home from work. So with rain falling, and time ticking, I decided to go to the next church I came to. It was a Christian Science church.

    Two tons of baggage seemed to lift from my back.

    With some trepidation and a heart full of hope, I walked into the lobby and down the aisle. I searched for a cross, to no avail. When I got to my pew seat, I knelt on the floor and prayed while the congregation sang. Then I intently listened to the Bible Lesson-Sermon. At one point one of the Readers read something like, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” ( Proverbs 23:7), which I understood to mean, essentially, “Depending on how you’re thinking, that’s how you feel.” Wow! What a statement! I’d experienced this before. When I got terrible migraine headaches, it was often when I was afraid or anxious, tense or taut. In other words, upset thinking was going on. This sudden discovery was both a confirmation and a revelation.

    When the service ended, I was warmly greeted and loaned a copy of Science and Health. From there I was invited for coffee with a group. It was wonderful. I listened raptly as I sipped coffee and puffed away on a cigarette. Two people there eventually became gentle mentors, and were of terrific help to me.

    I immediately began reading Science and Health. I found it difficult to understand at first, but stayed with it. I knew it had what I needed. When I discovered that God is Mind—infinite, omnipresent, all-knowing, divine Mind—and that this Mind, God, is actually my Mind through reflection, I was absolutely euphoric. Two tons of baggage seemed to lift from my back. I knew I would no longer need pills, potions, or props (like cigarettes or Valium) to solve my problems. Mind’s communications would be my medicine. No appointment would be needed because I could go straight to my Creator anytime I wanted.

    Life began to take on meaning. There was a reason for being. There was a purpose and plan, and it was all of God’s doing. I just needed to listen and yield to my Maker’s direction and guidance.

    A great spiritual education and reeducation commenced. The fears, hopelessness, and helplessness I’d so long carried began to dissipate. I actually began to love life. I learned that man has unlimited potential as the perfect reflection of infinite Mind and Soul. Nothing was or would be impossible to God. It was like the heavens opened. My life just got better and better. And it continues to do so.

    Since that time, four decades ago, I’ve kept growing and learning more and more about what our all-embracing Father-Mother is and does, and what His relation to His beloved child means. I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to be a Christian Science practitioner, too, praying with people and helping them recognize more clearly their relationship with God. The long search certainly paid off. I could never be thankful enough to have found this gem of gems.

    What’s kept me in Christian Science, with its very pressing and strong demands? Mary Baker Eddy writes: “The Divine Being must be reflected by man,—else man is not the image and likeness of the patient, tender, and true, the One ‘altogether lovely;’ but to understand God is the work of eternity, and demands absolute consecration of thought, energy, and desire” (Science and Health, p. 3). I’ve honestly never considered any other spiritual system since finding Christian Science, and that’s for three reasons: 1. Christian Science works. 2. Marvelously, metaphysical discovery and learning go on forever. 3. Never have I found a better definition for God than Eddy’s: “Question.—What is God?

    Answer.—God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love” (Science and Health, p. 465).

    For me, these synonyms for God are the very keys and bedrock to eternal Life and Love. They’re the most inexhaustible revelation possible.

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    God is Love Amongst Disaster Fri, 28 Apr 2006 18:40:40 +0000 QUESTION:

    When friends say that the disasters around the world are God’s doing, how can a Christian Scientist reply without making it a contentious issue?


    While people of all kinds of religious backgrounds often agree that God is Love, there are some differences in individual understanding about just what this means. One thing we can probably agree on is the idea that God’s love can be seen as an eternal provision in the midst of and following dire circumstances or disasters.

    The Bible tells of many people who proved this provision of God’s love. Abraham showed what faith and trust in God does, as he created a great nation in formidable times. In great extremity, Moses received the Ten Commandments, by which God assured His people of eternal salvation. And Joseph proved God’s omnipresence in every conceivable sort of disaster: family feuds, slavery, imprisonment, betrayal, famine. All of these examples show that the important thing is not so much the origin of the problem, but that one can always rely on God when confronted with a problem—no matter how hopeless the circumstances. And that God, now just as then, will deliver His people.

    It’s also tough times like these that cause people to band together in the spirit of brotherhood for the greater good of helping those affected by disaster. Again, this is evidence of God’s daily provision. And this is precisely what’s at work globally today as countless individuals listen to God for ideas on how they can help. People around the globe are offering, with heartfelt generosity, great ingenuity, energy, and compassion in the form of shelter and other havens, food and clothing, education and transportation, and of course unceasing prayer for those in need. Is this not unmistakable evidence of God’s ongoing love being expressed? So in this way, today’s unselfish efforts are proof of God’s eternal love and omni-active good.


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